Yesterday, I finally got lost! I know, its a strange thing to be excited about but I spent a good 2 hours walking around the city. It was such a good day. I started out at my site for our studio project 1 on the via del corso, a major street in the city with a lot of shopping. I took a few pictures and then decided to weave my way through the small streets of Rome. You know what is great, is that you really feel safe during the day when walking around the city. There are always people around. So i figured, instead of worrying about where I was at the moment, i'd embrace the situation. I had my camera and a water bottle, what more could I need? I kind of just went in the general direction that I thought was right. There are so many small alleys and narrow streets that all look the same. I got some great pictures from my little excursion.
Next thing I knew, I had been walking for close to two hours. A little tired, and a little sore from carrying my computer, sketchbook, camera, and water bottle, I came upon Piazza Navona. Piazza Navona is not too far from where we study so I knew I couldn't have been too far. So why not grab a salami and mozzarella panini and enjoy my leisurely stroll back to studio.
If you know me, this is very much out of character. I need a plan. I need to know where I am going and how long it will take me to get there. It's kind of freeing being in Rome. David Dawson, one of the directors from CUA here in Rome had said during our Orientation, that this is the time to discover yourself. For some strange reason, Rome causes me to think much more, just ask Corin. He laughs at me all the time because he will catch me staring out the window at our view of the Tiber River and the Aventine Hill, just thinking. It may be a deep thought or I may just be thinking about the Italian girl I just saw pass by my window. Its just really perplexing to think that this city that I am looking out upon is over 2000 years old.
Tomorrow we go sketching after Italian class. Our assignment is to find our way to Campo Di Fiori from a random place in the city. I feel like I have done an assignment like this before... I never would have thought that getting lost could be a good thing. I guess this is kind of how life is. I plan and prepare and stress about everything but for the first time, I let go and I stopped planning. There are so many roads to travel, but I know that God will lead me down the roads I am supposed to be taking. As long as I keep telling myself that, its going to be alright. He will never let me go. Yes, I may need to make mistakes, but it is those mistakes and those wrong turns which lead me in a different and possible better direction. Ultimately, it is His arms that will lead me home.
Buona Sera.
How wonderful you are learning - and embracing - the joy of contemplation and living in the moment....a great part of the maturation process. Time is NEVER wasted on thinking and pondering - and gettig lost! I'm so pleased that you are documenting this trip visually, through the lens of your camera and the movement of your hands, through sketches. However, documenting your thoughts, dreams, visions, antics, and everything in between is what you will cherish for years and years to come. Capturing "mind flashes" is an artform in and of itself - and when they are gone, the memory clicks in - but only to a superficial point. You are doing a fine job, dear Andrew. If you've time, post some sketches and beginnings of project 1. Graci.