Project one has commenced. Our first jury in Rome is on Wednesday and I really like our work so far. We are working on a project that analyzes urban space. We were assigned a Piazza in Rome to study and examine. Within this piazza we were looking for different elements that make it successful; Do people congregate there? Is there a market that attracts visitors to the site? Not only do we have to explore in depth our assigned piazza and determine its faults, we also have to synthesize and determine what, in theory, would help make this piazza a better place within the city. Piazza's are very interesting in Rome because they are a small void within the mass of the city. The other interesting part of the project is the group aspect. I think we all have differing opinions of working in groups. Especially us architects who think our way is the best way! However, it is great practice for us for the future. Very rarely will we be assigned a project in the real world and complete it on our own. There are too many facets to a design that you need the input of others to better the project. It can be challenging working with others. Differing in opinions, strong personalities, and tension can make it difficult to get the work done. But in the end, the end result is something that you can be proud of as a pair or as a group.
This idea of working in a group does not just apply to architecture projects. I feel like it has a very strong impact here in Rome. If you think about it, we have to work and interact with others on a daily basis. Especially those of us from the States and we are trying to buy groceries or a slice of pizza. It is fascinating to see the interactions of Romans. We are so used to a way of life in America that you tend to forget that there are other cultures out there. It is a different way of life. You have to learn when to tip, who to tip, what to order, what not to say. No one wants to look stupid or look "American" but its hard not to. We are so used to a certain way of life and acting in a certain manner that its hard to just up and leave that. I think for the most part, Italians have been very accepting. Of course, some more than others. We all have our flaws but it makes us who we are. I think some people have a hard time understanding that not everyone is going to be like them. It all kind of goes back to this working on a group project. Everyone brings different talents to the table and it is the responsibility of the group to analyze this and determine who needs to do what.

We all judge, its human nature. I like a quote that a recent boss used to say, "we judge because we love". I cannot say that this quote makes sense but it gives light to this idea of judging one another. I thought it was funny the other night, a few of us wanted to go get some gelato but it was ten o'clock at night. We all decided we were going to put sweatshirts on and go get gelato. You hardly ever see people walking around in sweatshirts in Rome. Its kind of saying "hey I'm American!". It didn't matter to us. We were going anyway. Just from the short walk from home to the gelato place, you could see people were judging. I think so far this experience has taught me to be more open to people and less quick to judge. When you are in an unknown city and trying to navigate, you really have to just accept that you will make stupid mistakes and people will judge you. It is all part of the experience. The feeling of the uncomfortable is good. It makes you stronger.
I am looking forward to tomorrow. Lisa, Corin, Emily, Chris, Brigid and I are heading out to Assisi for the day. Hopefully it will be a nice day! Hopefully I will be able to upload some of my sketches from the day and pictures. Keep an eye out for more pictures to come.
Buona Sera.

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