So far, the trip to Rome has been more than I had ever imagined. You can hear about the Vatican and the Pantheon but until you are standing under there massiveness can you truly feel the grandeur of the architecture here. Last night, we decided to head out for some gelato after a nice family dinner with most of the group. I think one of the best parts about going out is getting lost in the city. And with so many small alley ways it is very easy to do so. If you keep the main reference points in
mind, you can always find your way back home. Being right on the Tiber River helps as well. We found our gelato and just happen to stumble upon the Vaticano as well. No big deal. We met a great Italian family who asked if we could take their picture and talked to them a little bit.
Just walking between the solid granite columns of the colonnade that surrounds the Piazza, it gives you the chills to see how beautiful they are. Then you come to the front of the Vatican and its indescribable. You kind of just stand there in awe. St. Peter's square, Piazza di San Pietro was inspired by Bernini who had in ingenious idea to split the piazza into two sections with the part nearest to the Basilica is in the shape of a trapezoid. However the uniqueness of this trapezoid is that rather than fanning out from the facade (the front of the building), it narrows. This narrowing creates a visual perspective which makes the building seem closer than it really is from the round part of the piazza. The entire piazza is encompassed by a colonnade formed of double paired columns. The genius of this piece of architecture makes you appreciate it even more.
What a night, to be able to enjoy Italian gelato, walk to the Vaticano, and have a leisurely drink in Campo Di Fiori with great friends. I am so blessed to have this opportunity. God is Good! I cannot wait to see what this semester brings and all that I will learn from this once in a lifetime experience. Thank you to my family for giving me this opportunity.
Just a few views on my morning walk to breakfast.
You are a wise young man to document your trip this way. For those of us so interested in you and your journey, these posts are gifts to open -So far, so good. You seem to be embracing the whole experience with gusto. M